

Louise Morgan was born in Wales in 1980, and grew up in a house with an attic full of spiders. She isn't sure why she's afraid of squid, but there's probably a reason.

Her first published short story was "The Cloth of Heaven", which appeared in the British Fantasy Society's New Horizons in January 2009 and since then her work has been accepted for publication by a variety of print and online magazines. She is a member of the BFS and the BSFA.

She currently lives with her husband, son and cat in Brighton in the UK, where she spends altogether too much time hanging around the pier and pretending she's in Santa Carla. (She saw "The Lost Boys" at an impressionable age. Don't judge her).

Her short story, "Murderess Lane" was included in editor Ellen Datlow's Honorable Mentions list of the best horror stories published in 2010.

You can follow her on Twitter or on her blog. Or both if you're brave enough